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Checking the machine and fixing to the surface

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Checking the machine and fixing to the surface

As soon as the machine is delivered to you, make sure that none of the components have been damaged in transport. Special attention should be focused on the cutting section. Its two rollers and two wheels:

The rollers are located on the lower belt of the blade, while the wheels are covered by black and yellow protective covers.

Once you are satisfied that everything is in order with the machine, you can proceed to mount it in the prepared place. If, as recommended, you are placing the sawmill on a previously prepared concrete screed. You may find the quick-mounting pins helpful. Remember that the sawmill must stand evenly and steadily in its intended place. Otherwise, it may make your work more difficult. Because the lack of attachment of the machine to the ground may adversely affect the quality of performed cuts, due to the generated vibrations.

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