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Black oak versus our machines

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We are very glad that today we can present you such a beautiful and unique wood as Black Oak. Our customer decided to face it with our sawmils. And we knew even before seeing the pictures that it was the best choice!

Black oak

Let’s start with a question: do you know what ‘black oak’ is? It is a valuable raw material, otherwise known as Polish ebony, which was created as a result of a long process (about several hundred years) of staying under water. It owes its unique color to tannins, which react with iron salts present in water or soil, changing the color of wood to grayish black to dark blue-black.

Black oak is a valuable and sought after material. Unfortunately, most people who deal with it simply waste it. This is because most companies do not have the proper equipment or experience how to handle such a tree.

But our customer is not one of them! He needed to saw black oak, and we came to the rescue with our reliable E BIG SAM sawmill! With a cutting width of 135 cm. Work on it is additionally facilitated by electric feed, intuitive programmer and stable construction. Our machine can handle this type of material very well, and in this case it was the perfect choice. We came to our customer to show him and train him in the use of the sawmill and how to professionally prepare wood for carpenters and other “wood workers”.

How do you like the results of our customer’s work and the tireless E BIG SAM sawmill? We are very pleased. Our sawmills are not afraid of anything.

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